by Tony Cecala | WordPress
You’ve installed WordPress and have built your site. It rocks, but it could rock more. You want more bells and whistles and more speed. You’re in the right place. Read on… This post is sponsored by MailChimp: Send eMail Newsletters for free. 12...
by Tony Cecala | WordPress
In this series of tutorials from, you will learn some of the basics of installing and using WordPress. One-Click Self-Installation of WordPress with Simple Scripts The dashboard – introduction Previewing and activating themes Writing and... by Tony Cecala | Singularity
Ray Kurzweil has attracted a lot of attention in the technological community for his viewpoint on the acceleration of knowledge. His widely-read books on the matter are well-reasoned and detailed. They explain the “law of accelerating returns”, which... by Tony Cecala | Internet
Microformats are semantic markup systems that “tag” your content (post/photo/video) in the context of related knowledge. Examples are hCard (contact details) and hRecipe (food recipes). Microformats help people and machines understand what your content is...
by Tony Cecala | Business
Morgan Stanley’s 2009 report on trends in the mobile Internet marketplace makes for an important read for anyone doing business in 2010 and beyond. By anyone, I mean not only hardware, software, and wireless companies, but all small, medium, and large businesses...