by Tony Cecala | WordPress
For a mere $20 and $4 in tolls, I enjoyed a full weekend of WordCamp at the Frisco municipal center. About 130 WordPress bloggers, technologists, and business people were in attendance. Members of the core WordPress team, including Matt Mullenweg, attended and were... by Tony Cecala | Technology
Once again Moore’s Law continues to surprise and delight gamers and technology enthusiasts. I recently (December 2007) sold a couple of 7900GS cards on eBay—not a moment too soon! I wonder, isn’t it more prudent to rent rapidly-changing technology?...
by Tony Cecala | Technology
NVIDIA Tesla GPU Computing Processor Ushers In the Era of Personal Supercomputing Sometime’s Moore’s Law is simply ignored. This is a discontinuous leap of performance for some vertical computationally-intensive markets and brings the cost/gigaflop down...