by Tony Cecala | Internet
Amazing overview of how technology permits the interlinking of minds. How does this change who we are, and how does it change our...
by Tony Cecala | Internet
Where 2.0: Google Launches Streetside View with Tech from ImmersiveMedia Virtual reality took another step forward when Google showed off their “Streetside View” at the Where 2.0 conference. Using a slick Flash interface you can access a ground-view...
by Tony Cecala | Singularity
I’ve admired Ray’s work for many years. He continues to surprise people because his vision is consistently “beyond the horizon.” People, even scientists and technologists, tend to predict the future based on the recent past. They consistently... by Tony Cecala | Singularity
IT Conversations: Ray Kurzweil – When Humans Transcend Biology Ray Kurzweil discusses his work with Terry Grossman, M.D. on the three stages of life extension and how technology advances and the law of accelerating returns will boost the human life span to... by Tony Cecala | Advertising
John Gruber writes an insightful piece (Daring Fireball: Google Is an Advertising Company) on why comparing Google to Microsoft is just plain wrong. His observation: “follow the money.” Google’s advertising profits totaled $712 million in the first...